Nunca pensei em adquirir, mais esta 35mm me pediu, "me leva para sua casa!" Levei.
Fiquei pensando... que antes do meu nascimento foi lançada esta camera. exatamente o modelo da foto por volta de 1960, não resisti... agora ela faz parte do meu acervo e esta funcionando s'o não vou comprar aquele rolo que grava 36 exposições para checar se esta tudo nos conformes... Camera #468223 lente #963765
Paxette Electromatic I (1960)
Einfacher Verschluss/simple shutter
Katagon/Ennagon 5,6/40
Braun (Carl Braun Camerawerk) of Nuremberg, Germany, was originally founded in 1906 as an optical and industrial production house. In 1948, the company began producing box film cameras, in rollfilm and 35mm format. Its best known model was the Paxette series of 35mm rangefinder cameras. Most of the company's cameras were consumer-level models, though the company did briefly produce several more advanced 35mm rangefinder designs as well as an interesting 35mm SLR line with leaf shutters, the AMC/Paxette Reflex. The most advanced of Braun's rangefinders and SLRs had interchangeable lenses.